What Is A DBA Claim?
Defense Base Act (DBA) claims occur when contractors for the United States Government are injured. These injuries can be life-altering. Injuries under DBA can occur in the US and throughout the world, including in active war zones. Injuries under the Act can be for immediate, traumatic injuries or the development of a latent disability that occurs years after the work has ended. DBA injuries last as long as the disability continues to lower your ability to earn a living and may entitle you to life-long benefits.
Injuries include but are not limited to: Tinnitus; Hearing Loss; Respiratory Conditions; COVID-19; Pain; Degenerative Disc Disease; Psychological Conditions; Carpal Tunnel; Vison Issues; Stroke; Pulmonary Embolism; Neurological Issues; Amputation; Electric Shock injuries; and/or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
The Defense Base Act also gives rights to the family and dependents of contractors working for the US Government in the event of the contractor’s death. The family and dependents of contractors are entitled to benefits under the Act in the event of death while working as a contactor or after working as a contractor if it was caused by the conditions while working as a contractor. If you are the family or dependent of a contractor working for the US Government who died due to a condition that was caused by his or her contracting work, call us at (312) 909 - 8742.
Contact us for a free initial consultation.